At Heritage Baptist Church, there are ministries to and for every age group. Each person is valued, and we believe that each person should be involved in some way. Being involved in the local church is a vital part of Christian growth. It also helps provide lasting friendships and gives each person a sense of purpose.

Door - to- Door Soul-winning -- We have organized soul-winning once a month where we are systematically going door-to-door in LaFollette and Jacksboro to make sure each home receives a clear presentation of the Gospel. There are also other organized times throughout the year during times of special emphasis.
Street Preaching -- Once or twice a month members will preach on the street corners in LaFollette to share the Gospel with those passing by.
Tracts -- There is always a supply of tracts readily available at Heritage Baptist Church. All of our members are encouraged to be witnesses for Christ as we interact with others in our daily lives.
Van Ministry

God has blessed us with a lovely church van that we use to pick up people for church. We pick up children and adults every Sunday morning.
Sunday School

There is a Sunday school class for every age group at Heritage, with plans to expand and concentrate specific efforts in the future. Our current classes include a preschool class, children's class, teen class, and adult class.
Adult Ministry

In addition to our adult Sunday school class, we have activities throughout the year for the entire church as well as for specific age groups such as young singles and seniors. Our pastor and members also keep in touch with those who are shut-ins, take meals to those who are sick, and help with transportation as needed for doctor appointments or hospital stays.
Teen Ministry

It is vital that teens are taught TRUTH today among all the false information and negativity they hear. At Heritage, they are challenged with Biblically sound Sunday school lessons and Bible preaching. Teenagers are encouraged to get involved in the ministries at Heritage. They also enjoy participating in activities throughout the year, including movie nights, Christmas parties, youth conferences, and other outings.
Children's Ministry

Each Sunday the children at Heritage enjoy Sunday school lessons taught and applied on a level they can understand. They know they are loved and have a church home at Heritage Baptist. They also enjoy special activities throughout the year, such as park or zoo outings, and neighborhood Bible clubs.
Music Ministry

Having an exiting music ministry is an integral part of the services at Heritage. This spans from the children to the adults. Children are taught songs with Bible truths in Sunday school, children's church, and in the regular services. Adults and teens are encouraged to be part of the church choir. There are also opportunities to sing specials and to play instrumental specials in the church services.
Missions Ministry

Heritage Baptist Church currently supports sixteen missionaries and organizations who are taking the Gospel around the world. In addition to prayer and financial support, efforts are made to personally communicate with our missionaries on a regular basis. They also receive birthday and anniversary cards from their Heritage Baptist Church family. Assistance with special needs is also given as the Lord leads and provides.